Terms of Use

A Visitor is defined as a user who uses the site to search for an entertainment proposal. A Provider is defined as a user registered with the site who proposes musical entertainment projects. A Platform is defined as a website. An Entertainment Project is defined as the individual musical entertainment proposal that a Provider can upload and make public.

Account Registration

In order to upload their entertainment proposals, the Provider must make their account registration to the site via the registration form. After registering your email, you need to activate your account by clicking on the activation link sent to the specified email. Multiple entertainment proposals, i.e., multiple Entertainment Projects, can be uploaded for each account associated with an email. There are different types of accounts. The platform reserves the right to activate promotions to incentivize the use of the site. Account types may be subject to change over time. The required information associated with the account is only First Name, Last Name, Mail and phone number, the last one very useful in the case of PRO projects, as the Provider can be contacted directly by the Visitor without commission.

Entertainment Project

The Provider can upload their Entertainment Projects in the My Project section. Each Entertainment Project has a name and a set of descriptions that can be entered by the Supplier and modified at any time in order to best describe the characteristics of the entered Project. The Provider agrees to use original and high professional quality video material, photos, and text, to use formal and non-offensive language, and thus to respect the entire community. The Platform reserves the right to delete Entertainment Projects not deemed appropriate for the Platform for the reasons mentioned above. The platform only accepts Music-related Entertainment Providers and Projects, no other services can be offered. The Platform reserves the right to cancel Entertainment Projects deemed inappropriate.

Types Publication of Entertainment Projects.

The types may vary over time. The BASIC type is completely free, allowing limited showcase functionality. Limitations may change over time, and may relate to the maximum number of projects that can be uploaded, the maximum number of photos that can be uploaded per project, the number of videos that can be uploaded per project, and limits related to the visible information of received messages sent by Visitors interested in proposed projects. The priority of visibility from the Entertainment Projects search engine may vary depending on the type of publication chosen. To view all the types available, please refer to the Subscriptions section. The Platform reserves the right to offer promotions to its members to facilitate the growth of the platform.

Service Offered

The site offers the service of connecting Visitor and Supplier (related to the world of music entertainment). The platform offers a free showcase of entertainment proposals uploaded by each Provider, accessible through a search engine. The Visitor can send messages to the Entertainment Project Provider of interest, who will receive an email notification. The message can be read in the "Messages" section of the platform. The platform does not offer the intermendiary service at the contracting stage in the case of engagement, so the platform is not an entertainment agency. The negotiation of any engagement, between Provider and Observer related to an Entertainment Project, is not the responsibility of the Platform. The Platform therefore assumes no responsibility for the terms of engagement, contracting, or any other issues that may arise between Visitor and Provider.